Anthurium is well-known for its vibrant-heart shaped glossy leaves coming in a variety of shades, including white, pink, purple, and red. This plant is considered an ideal indoor plant because it is relatively sturdy and low-maintenance, especially compared to other houseplants with similar vibrant colors. Here's a care guide to help you understand the basic needs of your mini Anthurium!
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Anthurium doesn't like to be placed in direct sunlight—it will scorch the leaves, dry out the roots, and cause other types of problems.
Anthurium requires bright, indirect light for most of the day—an Eastern facing window is your best choice. If you notice that the leaves are becoming brown, discolored, or appear scorched, then you should move it to an area with less sunlight.
Rotate your mini Anthurium often in order to maintain a round shape; if you do not rotate the plant, it will start leaning towards the light source.
Anthurium is very susceptible to root rot and moisture-related problems. You need to be careful with your watering frequency to avoid overwatering.
As a general rule of thumb, you should water the plant when the first inch of soil is dry. Let the soil dry out in between waterings to discourage root rot. However, you should also avoid letting the plant become too dry and thirsty. If you notice the leaves of your Anthurium getting lighter in color, then the plant probably needs more water.
Make sure to water your mini Anthurium less often in the winter, as it will not need as much water to maintain its health.
You may need to give the plant a bit more water during the summertime, so keep a closer eye during these months as this is when the plant can be more susceptible to developing problems.
Since this plant is sensitive to moisture-related problems, you want to monitor the soil regularly for signs of issues, including pests, mold, rot, and so on. You can consider using a soil moisture gauge, a great tool for those who tend to overwater. It's inexpensive (it costs less than $20) and extremely easy to use. You just insert it directly into the soil, and the display will tell you whether it's dry, moist, or wet.
Anthurium only needs to be fed every 2-3 months. Use a one-quarter strength fertilizer, as this plant is sensitive to strong doses. Look for a fertilizer with high phosphorus levels, as this will encourage vibrant colors and healthy growth.
If you notice your mini plant is not experiencing enough growth, you can consider using fertilizer twice a month during the summer growing season; however, make sure to stick with a very mild dose as you don’t want to shock the plant.
Anthurium prefers warm temperatures from about 70 degrees to 90 degrees Fahrenheit.
However, they can withstand lower temperatures as long as they do not get below 50 degrees.
Do not place your mini Anthurium near to a heater in an attempt to keep it warm; the excessive heat will damage the plant.
You should also avoid placing the plant near an air conditioner, as it will likely get too cold for the plant and may cause shock or similar problems.
Anthurium needs a high amount of humidity to thrive—around 60-80% of humidity if possible. It can survive some dryness, as long as it does not get below 50% of humidity.
You can increase the humidity around your plant by placing it next to other plans, setting on a tray with pebbles and water, or keeping a humidifier in the room. You can also consider placing the plant in your bathroom.
Mist the plant’s leaves once a week during the summer months, as this will help the plant improve its moisture and humidity. Make sure to use a thin mister so that you don’t get excessive water on the plant.
Additional Tips
Choose a well-draining soil whenever possible. Half and half mix of potting soil and orchid soil or perlite will provide the best habitat. Use a pot with drainage holes to reduce the chances of root rot or mold.
Monitor the roots of your plant frequently to catch issues such as root rot and overcrowding in time.
Anthurium roots tend to grow quickly, so you may need to relocate your plant to a bigger pot when it has outgrown the current one.
The roots of Anthurium will sometimes grow out of the surface of the soil. This is perfectly normal, and you do not need to do anything about it. If you don't like the look of it, you can trim them down.
Anthurium is toxic if ingested. Make sure to avoid placing this plant in areas where children or pets can reach it.
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