If you've got a non-stop desire to look at plants, Instagram is surely the place to be. In case you particularly love baby plants, we have exactly what you're looking for! These charming Instagram accounts are among the prettiest around - follow at your own risk!
Onlinebabyplants.com is a great online shop where you can buy tiny plants and cuttings to nurture and watch grow into a bigger plant!
Not only they deliver many sweet little plants all across Europe, but they also have a beautiful Instagram feed for an extra dose of cuteness!
2. @tiny_greens
Alice is a Canadian girl who has built a cute mini indoor jungle in her small Vancouver apartment.
She regularly spends time talking to her plants: she finds it's a therapeutic habit, that can calm her down each time.
She loves to talk to her plants, and she finds peace while taking care of them!
4. @thecacticus
The Cacticus is a Canadian shop that delivers adorable cacti, succulents, and handmade concrete planters to all major cities within the Greater Toronto Area.
Following their colorful feed is a pleasure for the eye and a joy for the heart!
The founder of this Instagram profile lives in Australia and owns a beautiful collection of small plants.
You won't be disappointed by following this feed – there is nothing better than having the chance to watch all those baby plants growing and thriving. With time, those plants will grow and turn into beautiful bigger plants!
Bonus: @lovememinicollection
Yes, here we are!
Follow our Instagram profile, and you will be pleased with tons of pictures of our mini plants and some pretty colorful quotes about greenery!
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